Saturday, October 13, 2012

"Heirs of the King"

There is nothin' quite like a Brotha'.

His walk, his talk, his resilience and go get it attitude!  His determination to rise and fly above the dust of hopelessness.  His smile, his disappointments to his Victories.  His phenomenal and unmistakeable power to create and sustain amazing families.  Oh but if WE could only take the time to heal enough, in order to love them enough, to raise them enough, so they (from birth) could believe just enough that they are indeed "Sons of the King" who reigns on high, lives and destinies would forever be changed.  To deposit this truth, that they are soooo much more than the world and sometimes we make them out to be with our piercing, hurtful words and actions. 

We should take a stand and shout, not just with our words but with our daily actions: My Brother, you are Vitally Important to the well being of our communities, churches, schools, children and families!!!  Then they could with confidence take their rightful place as "Heirs of the King", fully embracing and embodying their royal legacy and rich heritage.  They would be in a far better position to prosper and not fade away one by one.  The world as we are now experiencing it, would be mo' betta' for it! 

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