Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Are You Ready To Ride?

The other day I sat with my oldest son and watched "The Hobbit",

due to a homework assisgnment that of course was being completed at the LAST POSSIBLE MINUTE (teenagers..ugh)! 

Although I had really wanted to see this movie while it was at the movies, I was sort of in the mood for my old trusted favorite type of movie, yep you guessed it, a romantic comedy.  As luck would have it, I watched "The Hobbit" and pulled out my journal and wrote like a mad woman on "Rock Candy from Greenfield Village".

The movie was not only entertaining but it was a self discovery journey and I completely indulged.  As I enjoyed some bonding time with my son, other things started to become crystal clear to me and I think I will share them with you, ok? 

Enlightenment comes to us at the most unexpected moments if our eyes and ears are open.  When we find ourselves at the corner of what used to be and what is to come, then and only then will we truly be open and ready to receive what God has in store for each of us.  God is very wise and crafty.  He reveals Himself to those who hunger for Him and hunger for righteousness.  The funny thing is, since our spiritual appetite is just that spiritual.  We often don't realize we are hungry, but I am so glad that He does! 

There is a saying among "Church Folk" that simply says, "More of You Lord and less of me".  When our heart's desire is so, God in His love, mercy and faithfulness will show us His character and the His divine purpose/plan for our lives in snippets (yep...so sorry not all at once).  It will be shared in a multitude of different ways.  It will be shown thru pure worship, prayer (intimate conversations between God and us), songs (christian music, gospel, jazz and believe it or not...shhhhh sometimes even secular/R&B/Hip Hop).  It can be shown thru journaling, playing a video game and even movies (If He wants you to know something, He is creative in getting the message to you).  I have personally received some of my most memorable revelations from God, from some of the most unexpected places ie: "Wreck It Ralph", The Rise of the Guardians and the Croods".

God is unorthodox, always the same...yet unpredictable, kind, jealous, just and breathtakingly Awesome!  Daily He is inviting each of us to be in a loving, intimate relationship with Him.  He wants to show us things about Himself, ourselves and the world around us, WOW what love and what an adventure.  Never again will you thirst or be hungry because He is the Living Water and the Living Bread from Heaven.  Take a deep breath, eyes straight ahead and hold on tight (don't let go of His unchanging hand).  Are you ready for the ride????

Thursday, April 18, 2013

"Energy Re-Directed, back on the Right Track"

My my my, it has been a mighty long time since we sat down for a little conversation (me sharing with you and you reading what I am sharing with you).  Ok now that I think about it that is a one sided conversation, yet I digress.

Sooo today I stumbled upon (this is also a pretty awesome website Stumbleupon.com) an article that really touched on a somewhat sensitive topic for me.  Well Blissful, what topic is that?  I know I know, perked your curiousity just a bit right?  I read about the emotional struggle so many women face in regards to their body image!!  In the United States, we are such a media driven society and that media (television, movies, music videos, magazines etc.) have created a very very dysfunctional view of what it means to be "Fly", Fine, Super Bad, Beautiful, Gorgeous, Sexy, Irresistable" and so on.  Most women that, by media's standards, fit into these categories are depicted as a size 0-6

 and in "Real Life" most women fluctuate between a 10-14.  Amazing that the pictures of the perfect (doesn't really exist) woman are stuck so stubbornly in our minds. We view these pictures mentally more times in a day than many of us would ever let on. They are usually non-realistic and PHOTO-SHOPPED to boot (ain't nobody got time for that stinkin' thinkin')! 

I read this mind altering article (for really real, it altered my stinkin' thinkin'), it reminded me of one simple truth that somehow I had forgotten and that is: "When talking about weight and self image, remember that you can only compare yourself today with yourself yesterday, and work to improve yourself. "  The article titled, "A Plus Size Model’s Message to Women: Believe in Your Own Beauty" (can be found at http://www.tlvfaces.com/a-plus-size-models-message-to-women-believe-in-your-own-beauty/).  After reading this one statement and looking at pictures of some healthy and visually stunning women,

my energy was re-directed and I can say I am officially back on the right track. 

I'm taking a deep breath and jumping back into a healthier way of living. I am again getting laser focused and determined to be a better me today than I was yesterday.