Monday, July 16, 2012

A Matter of Perspective

We deal with each other (our fellow humans) day in and day out.  These personal interactions can be fun, challenging, lovely, exciting, draining, intense, unforgettable, regrettable, fulfilling and so much more.  We learn from them, sometimes lessons that hurt for days and sometimes even years after the close encounter of a strange kind (LOL) has come and gone.  What I have learned is that the 
people we meet, have experienced a variety of struggles, troubles, hurts, joys and disappointments before you ever even entered their world.  That being said, when these close encounters skip your way and challenge you please remember the ups and downs of life that have formed the particular person you have chosen to talk to, listen to, like, love etc. many times has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with you!  Soooo don't think for one minute you are a trash collector or a storage unit.  What I am trying to say, in a strange way, so please walk with me here.  Don't allow yourself (you are fearfully and wonderfully made and deserve nothing less than the best that God has for you) to take their trash (issues) or their emotional baggage personally.  You were never created to be someone else's trash dumpster or their emotional baggage storage unit.  Did you follow all of that?  What is in their best interest and your own is to pray (not speak badly to or about them) for them and let them work thru and sort out all this stuff with God (who also loves them probably more than they could ever imagine).  After all is said and done, that is God's job and His territory (He is available for counseling 24 hours a day and it is pretty much free of charge).  He is extremely good at what HE does I might add.  His opinion and advice is not slanted and has only that person's best interest at heart (now that's Love). 

Relationships are a natural part of life and learning to have healthy ones are partially knowledge, desire and largely a matter of perspective.  Walking with and loving people right smack dab where they are is vital.  Keep in mind that the old saying is true, people enter our lives sometimes for a reason, perhaps for a particular season and at times for a life time.  Your perspective in dealing with them can remind you that not all people can have a front row seat in your life, sometimes you have to love them from a distance and that too is ok. 

The fastest way to become the Master of your thoughts and emotions is through challenging situations.  If your life is going along fairly smoothly, there are not the same opportunities that enable you to strengthen your power and become the master of your thoughts and emotions.

You see, even challenges are beautiful opportunities in disguise.

                                                                               Rhonda Byrne-The Secret

1 comment:

  1. This is quite a challenge sis: allowing or viewing ur struggles to be the very thing that empowers u in the future! Wow!! There's always a brighter side to things and we know that God does things for a reason & truly for a season. We struggle with accepting the season we're in and lining our will up with God's. I pray God's people (including myself, dear God), would begin to accept the challenging situations, & trust in God to know that this is His will & to trust Him like never before! We may have to cry,let people go (which hurts deeply), & move on, but this is the will of the Father. My God! I thank U! I thank U! I thank U! For loving us enough to reveal to us Ur thoughts, by removing us from situations or removing others from around us that mean us no good--but was used as a tool to shape us & a vehicle to push us into our destiny! Hosanna! Blesset be the Rock of my salvation!*
