Sunday, September 9, 2012


Forgiveness is giving love when there is no reason...
What is planted in the heart, takes root in the soul....
In the quietness of the dawn, shines a new day,
a new beginning and new compassions
Forgiveness washes over me like a healing oil, a balm in Gilead
In humility I admit my wrongs, no other way to move forward
Thankful for the opportunity to forgive and be forgiven
For out of this act love can prosper and friendship can take root and grow
His Spirit and His word light the right path
A path clear of yesterday's obstacles and paved with a
sense of wonder, awe and an open heart
The Beauty of a New Dawn is simply Wonderful!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you soooo much for those encouraging words Meredith!!! Hugs...He uses you because your words are always right on time.
