Wednesday, January 30, 2013

For I Know The Plans I Have For You

Experiences are like stackable stones moving you from one phase to another
Lessons come in all shapes, sizes and colors

We close our eyes, trying to run from the painful ones..knowing all the while they will indeed come again...
Lessons can not be skipped, cuz God don't play that!
His plan is set and it will be what it will be, so we are using good energy unnecessarily....

Time to re-adjust some thangs and get with His program you see
Cut some ties, loose some weights and allow your spirit to Fly Free!!!
A narrower road than you've traveled, He is clearing your path of things that were a distraction and leading you in a NEW DIRECTION...

Your Dream is upon you, he birthed it in your heart before the beginning of time
Thru it all, nothing in your life has been in vein, life's challenges have served a much higher show you things you could see no other way
And for a time such as this, He has kept and molded you
Holding onto Him, you Will fulfill Your Destiny
For He well knows the plans that He has for You....

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