Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Relax & Stop All That Foot Shufflin'

Today I was reminded that God wants us (every single one of us) to pursue Him diligently with all our heart, soul and mind.  As we chase after Him (He will become closer to us and we will fall in love with Him...He's a GREAT CATCH).  Our thoughts and ways will become more and more like His thoughts and ways, which is perfect since He desires that His plans for us become our dreams for ourselves.  He promises to grant us the desires of our hearts but first He wants to inspire our heart's desires.  What is fascinating to me, is as we pursure our God inspired dreams, it will bring about a peace and joy that the world didn't give and the world can not take away.  But rest assured, some folks will surely try!  This is when we HAVE to be unmoveable, determined and full of bliss.  Let our footsteps (actions) be inspired steps and not just foot shufflin' activity.  Foot shufflin' activity is rooted in disbelief and lack of faith (you are shuffling trying to make your dreams come true) it feels hard and is not pleasurable.  When your steps are inspired, there is a joy and peace about it.  You BELIEVE that you are doing what you were created in that moment to do and you are allowing God to order your steps according to His word and impeccable plan for your life.  Soooo I encourage you to Relax and Stop all that foot shufflin'.  There is a plan, ask to see the blueprint and let peace, joy and fun be your guide to fulfilling your dreams.  I triple dog dare you!!



  1. That is good! I love He promises to grant us the desires of our hearts but first He wants to inspire our heart's desires.
    This is the season I'm in! Thank you for blogging! Keep it coming! God bless you!

  2. Thanks for taking the time to read it and thanks even more for the feed back! I love what HE is doing thru me and my computer, LOVE IT!!! NEver a dull moment with God, never ever...always an adventure. You are the first young man to follow my blog..YEAH and I am hoping it goes GLOBAL =) Take care of your dreams and family and stay tuned.
