Friday, December 21, 2012

Concrete Visualization as a Tool 4 CHANGE!

If you are reading this post, you are probably searching for ways to improve yourself and the life you are living. If you are like most people, you have been less than fully successful in getting your goals to transition from dreams into reality.  You plan, you pray, you engage in positive self-talk, but still, the outcome that you've longed for never really bears fully evolved fruit.

If you are like most people, you are stuck in a script that you feel you didn't write!  Whether it's financial success, weight loss, or relationships, you just can't seem to break old patterns.  It's disheartening and frustrating and most of all, it feels like you are powerless to change despite your best efforts.

Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain
Guess what?  You are right.  You ARE following a script that you didn't write.  Well, not the conscious you.  Instead, the subconscious you, that YOU that makes up 90% of all your drives and motivations is caught in a loop and you know what's the worst part?  Your subconscious "YOU" doesn't speak English (or whatever your native tongue is).  As a matter of fact, your subconscious mind doesn't adhere to any written or verbalized forms of communication.  Your subconscious runs most of the routines of your life on what feels like autopilot.  Unfortunately, that means that you may be running some really self-defeating behaviors on that same loop.  Your subconscious is the man behind the curtain orchestrating your life.

Your subconscious speaks in SYMBOLS.  Symbols, pictures, and visions are the way that your subconscious speaks to you and that is the only way to "speak" change into your subconscious mind.

Did you know?

Recent studies have shown a "subconscious brain that is far more active, purposeful and independent than previously known."  Your subconscious is fully capable of running programs that are independent and quite contradictory to what your conscious desires are.  Actually, and I don't mean to offend, but your conscious mind is quite easy to trick and mislead, partially because of the drives of the subconscious.

The Conscious Mind                                       The Subconscious Mind
The conscious mind uses rational thought  / The subconscious processes symbols
The conscious is good at working out how to do things / The subconscious is good at doing things for you (skills and habits)
The conscious works hard at understanding things  / The subconscious doesn't care HOW something works, it will use the first thing it comes across irrespective of how well it works
The conscious mind is apt to waste time figuring things out for the sake of it  / *The subconscious will carry on doing things a certain way even when it is abundantly clear that it is not in your best interests.

How can you get in the driver's seat?

First, it is important that you dig deep to find WHAT is driving your subconscious mind's loop when it comes to a particular behavior.  An honest examination of the benefits that you get from the behavior is necessary.  For instance, an overeater may get comfort from consuming too much food as well as wearing their overweight as away to withdraw from society and feel safe in solitude.  No one can hurt you when you are alone so, although consciously this can be a lonely existence, the subconscious may actually promote this behavior as a method of protection.  Ask yourself powerful questions and step outside of yourself to examine your motivations.  I often say (as if I am not ME), "What does a person that engages in this behavior value?"

You may be surprised at what you find.

Next, you must begin to speak the language of your subconscious mind.  I call this Concrete Visualization, or using symbols and objects to speak directly to your subconscious.  Now, if you want to quickly and resoundingly get the attention of the man behind the curtain, you need to shout, not whisper.  Common methods of "visualization" may be effective, but can often take a long time to sink into your subconscious.  In my experience, the more senses you can engage and the more concrete you can make your visualization, the better.  Making your new vision is as simple as 1-2-3!

1. Identify the behavior/motive/value your want to change. 
2. Don't just envision the change.  Gather real items to symbolize the change.
3. Create a ritual to resolve the behavior and install the new program into your subconscious

How I used concrete visualization to heal myself...

After I discovered this method, I realized that I was sabotaging every romantic relationship based on a past heartbreak. I would avoid emotional intimacy at all cost, even though my conscious mind was craving a connection, my subconscious mind was protecting me by making me aloof and unattainable even though I thought I was available.  When I dug deep inside my memories I was surprised, when I bypassed the heartache that I thought was the issue and went all the way back to my childhood to a disappointment at the hands of my father.  That was the moment that I became unreachable and my heartache, as shattering as it was, didn't affect me as it might have someone who didn't have protective armor.  I knew what I had to do.  I got a small cardboard box and I closed my eyes and remembered being a little girl waiting on my father to arrive and that deep disappointment when he never showed up or called.  Once I had that feeling locked in, I opened my eyes and purposely gathered objects in my possession that I had collected from past relationships. These symbolized hurt and pain and a reminder that I needed to be protected from men because they would let me down.  I envisioned that each item was like a brick from a wall that I had built around my heart.  I drew pictures on pieces of paper; a lock and a key to symbolize opening myself to love and intimacy.  I was crying and laughing with joy as I felt the weight lift and I sealed that box and walked out of my apartment to the dumpster and, without further ceremony, pitched the box of hurt, shame, and self worth issues in the trash.  I was light, I was free, and my subconscious mind got the message.

I'm sorry this was so long, but I hope that you can use this information to take control of YOU.

Love and Light,

Sources and more reading:

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